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Cooperative founded thanks to Coopstartup Calabria

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Addiction awareness-raising and prevention through games

Cooperative profile

Sciabaca promotes WEWETE (a Maori word meaning “untie yourself”), a project providing a support tool to raise awareness of and fight addiction (drugs, alcohol, internet, gambling). It involves two main tools:

  • A web portal providing information on addiction, area services and rehabilitation projects. It will also promote healthy consumption and life-styles making people aware of addictive risk behavior.
  • WEWETE App to play a game aimed at addiction prevention among young people. It is a cooperative game rewarding the group and not the individual (“if you win, I win”). The group has a common purpose of winning points only if all the group members reach the objective together.

It is based on a peer-to-peer philosophy, sharing knowledge and experiences among people of a similar age and background.

Target market

The cooperative aims at all those working with young people including youth at risk, trying to create a more efficient network for awareness raising and prevention.
It is not a therapy nor cure, but a tool to be used to try to help prevent addiction. It has a lower cost compared to traditional prevention campaigns and is adapted specifically to young people.


The cooperative is made up of four members – graduates in intercultural sciences, training, social services and engineering.


Sciabaca Società Cooperativa Sociale
Via Puccio n.13/B – 89042 Gioiosa Jonica (RC)